Allied Bank is located in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. It was established in 1942 before independence, Allied Bank Limited is one of the largest banks in Pakistan with 735 Branches connected to an online network. In August 2004 the Bank was restructured and the ownership was transferred to Ibrahim Group.
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- Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan Bank mainly serving Farmers and land owners gives loans for agriculture.
- Allied Bank of Pakistan Ltd. Pakistani bank having Braches all over Pakistan
- Al Faysal Investment Bank Ltd. Local Bank having branches in all major cities of Pakistan
- Askari Commercial Bank Ltd. Bank having branches in all major cities of Pakistan.
- Arif Habib Bank
- Barklays Bank Pakistan
- Bolan Bank Limited
- Bank of Punjab
- Citibank Pakistan Foreign bank having branches in Karachi Lahore Multan Islamabad Rawalpindi & Peshawar
- Emirates Bank International Having branches in Karachi Lahore & Islamabad
- Faysal Bank Ltd
- First Women Bank Limited
- Habib Bank of Pakistan
- Habib Bank AG Zurich
- Bank Al habib
- Institute of Bankers Pakistan
- Islamic Investment Bank Ltd. started its operation in 1990 from Peshawar and since then expanded to Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad with three more branches, Mardan, Hangu and Mingora (Swat) in NWFP.
- Meezan Bank
- Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd.Largest network of ATMs in Pakistan serving local population having branches all over Pakistan.
- National Bank of Pakistan The Official Government bank of Pakistan
- Pakistan Industrial Credit & Investment Corporation Limited (PICIC) Initially an investment bank but now serves as a consumer bank
- Soneri Bank Ltd. Having branches in Karachi Lahore Islamabad & Hunza
- State Bank of Pakistan The official Bank of Pakistan
- Standard Chartered
- Small Business Finance Corporation
- Tameer Bank a Micro finance bank
Royal Bank of Scotland Pakistan Foreign bank having branches in Karachi, Lahore Islamabad & Peshawar. Formerly ABN Amro Bank
- United Bank Ltd. Local bank having branches all over Pakistan
- Union Bank Limited

Knowing the principle differences between credit and debit cards can help you make wiser financial decisions, thus saving you money. Unfortunately, too many consumers seem to mix up these two types of payment tools, especially when it comes to using credit cards and meeting payment obligations on them. Both, credit and debit cards have their advantages and drawbacks.
If you want to avoid common pitfalls and stay away from financial troubles that strip most vulnerable Americans of their homes and happiness, it is time to get some education.
Trying to understand what you really need, a credit or a debit card, you should look into your priorities, spending habits and special needs. The basic and crucial difference between the two lies in the”working mechanism”. For example, when you pay with a debit card, it is the same as if you were paying with your own hard cash. Except that the cash is in the form of a small plastic and is actually kept in a special checking account with your bank.
How do you get the money in your checking account? There are several ways you can do it. You can make direct cash deposits, arrange transfers from other bank accounts or have your employer transfer your paycheck to the account. You can load the account any time and each time you need more funds available. Remember, using a debit card, you spend your own money without owing anything like interest to your bank. There are some fees though associated with debit card servicing but they are not significant.
A credit card works as a loan. You don’t own the money on the card – you borrow it from a bank. Hence, there come all these APRs (the price for using a credit line), fees and other charges that cover card service, as well as your borrowing risk. As it is kind of a loan, you do not have to pay the purchase price back immediately. Usually, you have up to 30 days before your first minimum payment is due.
At this point cardholders begin to abuse the basic credit card rule – the rule to pay each monthly bill before the due date with more than the minimum required.
The different “working mechanisms” of credit and debit cards determine their pricing and risk. Those who do not make timely payments on credit cards are likely to dig a hole of debt that’s impossible to get out of. And people do make late payments and even miss them.
When default APRs and penalty fees apply to already great balances, your financial wellbeing becomes dependent on external factors such as consumer debt counseling services and various debt management programs.
With all this, the advantages of credit cards are evident. You can easily purchase an item or a service which you were not able to afford before. Plus, you can benefit from various kinds of rewards which accumulate with each card purchase and build up into a value redeemable for brand name merchandize and free services.

Contact Your Lender: Although as a general rule the traditional lenders are not consolidating student loans, it still doesn't hurt to try. Call your lender today and ask about low annual percentage personal loans or even low interest credit cards. With low credit card annual percentage rates (APR) you might even get a similar rate.
Federal Direct Consolidation Loans: If you google search "Federal Student Loan Consolidation" one of the first sites you will find is - the federal website for federal student aid. If you select "Borrower Services" it will take you to the federal consolidation website. It takes about a month to get a response from the FSA, but it is the only agency that is currently consolidation the loans.
What if I can't get the loans consolidated?: In a few instances it may be impossible to consolidate your loans, so what can you do if you just can't afford the payments at this time. First you should contact your lender and simply tell them it is too much to repay at this time (cite your reasons). Many times they will reduce your payment or extend the life of the loan. A second option is to place the loans in forbearance, which allows you to defer payment for a set amount of time until your financial situation improves. A third option is to return to school at least part-time (6 units). This can be done at a junior college or a local university, and is not dependent on what courses you take. This option will allow you to defer your loans without penalty, as long as you are in school.

Remember that every time you swipe a credit card, you're borrowing money you don't have, and digging yourself further into debt. Look at your credit card and repeat it to yourself, over and over again, until it's the first thing that comes to your mind whenever you see that card in your hand.
Scale back to one card. Close all the other accounts, and cut up the cards. Yes, closing several accounts at once may ding your credit score a bit, but if you're going to be living a debt-free lifestyle from now on, that little ding isn't going to make a difference. Credit scores only matter when you try to borrow money you don't have!
Leave your one credit card at home. It's too tempting to use it if it's immediately available in your wallet. Your credit card should only be used when you need to make an immediate purchase (like an airline ticket), but need time to transfer the money to your checking account (from a savings or other account). It should NOT be used to purchase items you don't have the money for! After using your card, immediately transfer the money you need and pay it off. Don't wait for interest to accrue.
Manage your money with an online tool such as Mvelopes, where you can see all of your accounts in one place. Log on every day to balance your checking account transactions and schedule bill payments, so you know exactly how much money you have available for each category (gas, groceries, clothes) at any given moment. See my article "How to Manage Your Money Online" for more info.
Use cash or debit card only. Now that you know exactly how much money is available, you'll be more likely to stay under that limit. You know what this means, though. When the money runs out, STOP SPENDING! If you use cash or debit only, you'll have no choice but to be more careful and deliberate about your spending.
If you're having trouble learning how to curb your spending, put cash into designated envelopes in your wallet or purse, and leave your debit card at home (to prevent overdraw and impulse purchases). When your grocery money envelope is empty, you have to stop, period. Studies have shown that the action of counting out dollar bills and handing them over is psychologically more painful than swiping a card, which is why you tend to spend less when using cash.
Attend a personal money management class like Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University to give you a practical plan for eliminating debt and building wealth, and help keep you inspired, educated and accountable.
Get rid of tempting credit card offers in the mail. Log on to and follow the directions to opt out of unwanted credit card offers and other financial junk mail.
Ask for help. If you still cannot seem to control your spending and impulse purchases, get whatever help you need, whether from a financial advisor or even a therapist who specializes in compulsive behaviors.

Today, having a credit card is a luxury. Credit cards are a great convenience meaning that we don’t have to be worried about cash when buying something. Credit cards are now not only for businessmen or women, small business owner but also for high school and college students. Both high school and college students have chances to have credit cards now. Not so different with normal credit cards, student credit cards can be used with certain restrictions and limitations.
Many companies, banks and also site offer student credit cards and because it is a student credit card. From many sites that offer student credit cards, is the best place to have it. They do not only take profit by offering student credit card but also giving valuable information about the benefit or advantages and disadvantages of having student credit cards.
To fulfill the needs of student credit cards, they provide some choices of student credit cards. When you are applying here, you will not have to pay annual fee, have no minimum income or cosigner required. Another specialties are 0% APR on everything for 6 months, discount and many others. So, whenever you need to apply a credit card for your children, is the right and best place for us.

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Today I accidentally uncovered a huge list of people’s names, addresses and credit card details online. No kidding.
I found more than that: login details to people’s web hosting accounts and e-commerce site memberships as well. It was really freaky to think it was all just staring at me, thanks to a flukey Google search. Nothing more complicated than that. (And no, don’t email me for the search details!)
For whatever reason, a hacker has broken into a number of sites and stored the resulting DB dumps into text files that Google came along and indexed, all because this guy’s site’s directories were set to display their contents when no default file is present.
I have emailed Victoria Police with all the details. But after thinking about it some more, I have a simple observation and a suggestion…
First the observation that if a hacker is dumb enough to have your private login or credit card details online and indexable by Google, then they’re likely to be in a text file and unencrypted. If your credit card is listed, it’s probably had the spaces removed, since that’s how it will be stored (by idiots who don’t use a salted hash).
One needs to apply for a credit card to have financial flexibility. Credit Card has become a part and parcel of the modern day life. Credit Card comes in varieties and making the right choice is very difficult. Generally, consumers apply for a credit card without going through its details and end up with a huge bill hanging over them. Thus it is very important for a credit card customer to research on the details of the credit cards available in the market.
The procedures that should be followed by a customer to apply for a credit card are :-
Firstly , they have to compare the different credit cards, research their past records, know the interest rates, hidden costs and every details associated with them.
Secondly , they have to choose the right credit card matching their personal or business needs.
Thirdly , they either have to apply for a credit card online or have to call up the company representative and apply for the same.
Generally, the call-center executives call the prospective customers and give a brief detail on the different credit cards offered by the concerned credit company. If the customer gives time then the sales executive visits him/her and aggressively promotes his company's card. Then the convinced customer has to fill up an application form in front of the executive. If the application form gets company's nod then he receives it within a very short period of time.
The details that a credit card application form generally seek are :-
Name and Details (Address, Social Security Number, Date of Birth, Telephone and mobile number, annual income, e-mail address) of the applicant,
Name of the Authorized User (if any) who are entitled to make purchases on the same credit card account number as that of the primary card holder,
Signature of the Primary applicant of the credit card accepting all the terms and conditions of the company, Name of the scheme of the card chosen and Other details like driver's license.
The application form required to apply for a credit card also contains details of the schemes offered by the card issuing company. These detail contains :-
Computation Method for calculating the Outstanding amounts
Grace Period for payment of outstanding balances
Annual Percentage Rate for Purchases
Delinquency Rate
Annual fee
Over-limit fee
Other Annual Percentage Rates,
Information on the Variable Rates
Penalty amount on late payments
All types of transaction fees (including Cash Advances, Convenience cheques and Balance Transfers)
Thus a consumer could apply for a credit card any time time he wants with a door-to-door facility given by the card issuing companies. But before applying for a credit card a customer should be cautious about the consequences of continuous non-payment of outstanding payments where the interest rates increase in a cumulative manner. Hence, a credit card applicant should be conversant with the payment structure of the principal and interest rate because many a times it has been observed that non-payment of outstanding has led to bankruptcy of the customer.
But it is needless to mention that credit cards give financial flexibility to the consumers and the meticulous payment of the principal amount(in part or full) within the grace period and interest payment thereafter helps a consumer to be financially healthy and at the same time reallocate his resources according to the needs. Thus, a customer can always apply for a credit card but at the same time should try to make timely payments of outstanding in a specified time limit for avoiding excess burden.
In this week which has seen so much speculation on the fate of Lehman Brothers, it seems only sensible to review how an international insolvency of a major bank works and what it might mean for international creditors. The insolvency treatment of international banks has remained one of the stubbornly difficult areas of law to harmonise and huge uncertainty and complexity remains. For excellent background, see Cross-border bank insolvency by Rosa Maria Lastra of Queen Mary, University of London.Although markets are global, and Lehman Brothers operations span the globe, all insolvency is local. The basic premise is that each jurisdiction buries its own dead and keeps whatever treasure or garbage it finds with the corpse. Local creditors get to recover their claims out of the locally available assets. If, and only if, there are any assets left over will international creditors be invited to make a claim for the rest. Europe has managed to harmonise cross-border insolvency for banks under directives and local law to embody principles of universality and unity within the EU, but that only works equitably if enough assets are in the EU when the bank fails, and local insolvency law still applies in all its divergent complexity.Claims against a bank are deemed located wherever the contract creating the claim is undertaken. If it is under US law then the claimant must look to the liquidator in the United States and assets under his control for recovery. If the claim is in Hong Kong, then the claimant looks to the Hong Kong receiver and assets.The key to having a happy insolvency, if such a thing exists, lies in ensuring that when a globalised bank goes bust, all the best assets are inside your borders and subject to seizure by your liquidators on behalf of your creditors. Everyone else outside your borders is on their own. As the US dollar is the reserve currency of banking and US Treasuries, Agencies and other assets are the highest preferred asset class, the US is almost always in a good position in an international bank failure.The principle of using local assets for local recovery is known as the “ring fence” – the idea being that insolvency drops an invisible “ring fence” around any valuable assets at the borders to meet claims arising within the borders. No country is more assiduous in weaving the ring fence than the United States of America. It is a very successful strategy for US creditors. US creditors of failed international banks tend to recover disproportionately relative to creditors anywhere else. The ring fence contains all these choicest assets for US creditors, and all the international creditors are forced to pick among the dross of foreign assets to eke out a recovery, only receiving any residual US assets remaining after US creditors get 100 percent recovery.Lehman has been deeply troubled and subject to speculation since the early spring. That was just about the time that we started to see a marked sell off in foreign markets where Lehman has long been a major player. Recently, along with intensification of that sell off, we have seen a strengthening of the US dollar and US asset markets.If one were cynical, and one believed that Lehman was going to be allowed to fail pour encouragement les autres one might wonder if Lehman was quietly bidden – or even explicitly ordered – to sell off its foreign holdings and repatriate the proceeds to asset classes within the US ring fence. This would ensure that US creditors of Lehman received a satisfactory recovery at the expense of foreign creditors. It would also contribute to a nice pre-election illusion of a “flight to quality” as US dollar and assets strengthened on the direction of flow.If one were really cynical, one might even think that a wily bank supervisor might arrange to ensure 100 percent recovery for its creditors with a bit of creative misappropriation thrown in the mix. Broker dealers normally hold securities and other assets in nominee name on behalf of their investor clients. Under modern market regulation, these nominee assets are supposed to be held separately from a firm’s own assets so that they can be protected in an insolvency and restored to the clients with minimal loss and inconvenience. Liberalisations and financial innovations have undermined the segregation principle by promoting much more intensive use of client assets for leverage (prime brokerage and margin lending) and alternative income streams (securities lending). As a result, it is often very difficult to discern in a failed broker who has the better claim to assets which were held to a client account but reused for finance and/or trading purposes. The main source of evidence is the books of the failed broker.On the wholesale side, margin and collateralisation in connection with derivatives and securities finance arrangements mean that creditors under these arrangements should have good delivery and secure legal claims to assets provided under market standard agreements. As a result, preferred wholesale creditors could have been streamed the choicest assets under arrangements that will look above suspicion on review as being consistent with market best practice.If Lehman were to go into insolvency, I will be interested to discover whether US creditors achieve a much higher proportion of recovery than their global peers in other locations where Lehman did business. If so, it will likely be because of the US ring fence and the months of repatriation of assets and funds back into the confines of the ring fence before the failure was finally orchestrated. It will also be because the choicest assets were preferentially delivered to preferred US creditors under market standard margin and collateral arrangements.Unfortunately, the pace of an international insolvency means that any retrospective evaluation will be so far down the road that I will likely be almost alone in looking backwards to see what the final distribution effects are and what they mean for equitable principles of international banking practice.

Saviour: The Bank of England has acted as a lender of last resort to Northern Rock

Change of heart: Mervyn King
Stocks worldwide have plummeted in the wake of yesterday's unprecedented decision by leading central banks to pump billions into money markets in a bid to avoid a worldwide recession.
The Bank of England has joined the U.S. Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank and their counterparts in Canada and Switzerland to pump at least £55billion into money markets.
However this morning the FTSE 100 fell more than 70 points to 6458.7 and the markets in Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan all suffered nervous starts to the day's trading.
Investors are worried that the shock decision by the world's banks could mean that the credit crisis is likely to get worse.
It is hoped that the loans - £ 22.7billion of which will go to the UK - will help make lending between banks easier, avoiding any repeat of the Northern Rock crisis.
The Rock ran into trouble because the current economic climate has encouraged banks to hoard their cash, rather than lend it to each other.
Northern Rock could therefore not borrow the money it needed from other banks, and was forced to go to the Bank of England as a "lender of last resort" at punitive rates.
The central banks' decision is designed to stop other lenders getting into the same situation - and to avoid panic among both consumers and the City.
It came amid signs that Gordon Brown is bracing himself for a slowdown that could dent his credentials as the architect of Labour's record of economic stability.
A Bank of England spokesman said: "This co-ordinated set of actions is a response to stresses in the inter-bank markets, which have increased in recent weeks, reflecting sentiment about the global financial sector.
"The actions demonstrate that central banks are working together to try to forestall any prospective sharp tightening in credit conditions."
A source at the Bank added that the latest move is not designed to prop up any individual lender, but is rather aimed at alleviating pressures in the overall market.
This is significant, because the Bank is worried that City observers could interpret the massive loan as a covert way of getting cash to a particular lender which has got itself in trouble.
The co-ordinated move took the City by surprise, fuelling fears that the global credit crunch is threatening the economic health of the world's major powers.
With the housing market in turmoil, it was seen as a pre-emptive strike to prevent a worldwide financial meltdown on the back of the American "sub-prime" mortgage crisis.
Bankers hope it will make mortgages easier to arrange amid signs that credit is drying up on the High Street.
Downing Street welcomed the move as an example of the kind of "global co-operation and preventative action" that Mr Brown has called for in the past.
It came only a week after the Bank of England cut interest rates by a quarter point.
The Federal Reserve also reduced U.S. rates by a quarter point - the latest in a series of aggressive cuts.
Yesterday's announcement marked the first joint international effort to support the markets since the September 11 terror attacks.
Observers said the scale and nature of the cash injection is unprecedented.
It underlines the parlous state of the global banking system, where some lenders have been brought to the brink of collapse because of the problems in America's mortgage market.
Experts estimate the record defaults on so-called sub-prime loans advanced to Americans with poor credit histories could lead to up to £200billion of losses at global banks.
Giants such as Wall Street's Citigroup and Switzerland's UBS have gone cap in hand to Asian and Middle Eastern investors asking for cash to support their businesses after racking up tens of billions in losses.
Britain has been far from immune, with the run on Northern Rock leading the Bank of England to hand over billions of pounds of taxpayers' money to keep it afloat.
The Bank will next week offer £11.35billion to selected commercial lenders with a UK presence.
A similar auction for another £11.35billion will take place in the New Year.
Banks will "bid" for the cash and will have to pay a premium rate.
Major British-based lenders will also be able to apply for help from the other central banks.
The loans will last for three months and the Bank could step in again if the cash injection fails to have the desired effect.
The banks will still have to provide collateral and meet certain conditions in order to get help, and only those judged to be in sound financial condition will be able to participate.
The Bank of England held a similar auction for three-month loans in September.
However, there were no bidders, because banks were worried that the stigma attached to the auction would reduce confidence in them so soon after the run on Northern Rock.
That auction had a punitive minimum rate set at one per cent above the Bank's base rate, whereas the new auctions do not have a minimum rate.
The Bank has been accused of being slow off the mark in dealing with the stress in financial markets, and some experts described its decision to participate in the global loan scheme as another Uturn from its hardline stance.
Governor Mervyn King has been reluctant to rescue big banks which are in trouble because of their foolish investments - but with the world markets under increasing pressure, he has been forced to act.
The British Bankers' Association welcomed the move, calling it a "constructive and imaginative initiative".
It added: "It is also importantly an international solution to an international issue."
Julian Jessop, of analysts Capital Economics, said the move is welcome, but that further interest rate cuts would be needed to have a real effect.
He added: "Central banks have combined to reduce the risk that the credit crunch tips the most vulnerable economies into recession. But even if these measures are successful, the world economy is still facing a marked U.S-led slowdown in 2008.
"It does not resolve the more fundamental weaknesses in the world's major economies.
"Official interest rates will still have to be cut significantly further in the U.S. and the UK, and are likely to fall earlier than generally expected in the eurozone too."
The truth is Forex is about trading. It is not something that you can sell. Now lots of people claims to have a good Forex system and selling it over the internet. Where is the logic in that.