The engineering experts warned that withholding WAPDA s electricity dues would adversely affect the health of water reservoirs and power generation capacity of the authority. WAPDA supplies up to 6,500 megawatts of electricity to PEPCO during peak hydro-generation. All the IPPs combined supply less power to PEPCO. The IPPs charge Rs5-7 per unit from the power company. They said circular debt earlier created by PEPCO due to non-payment to IPPs resulted in irreversible closure of some independent power generation unit and also impacted the efficiencies of Pakistan State Oil and oil refineries as impact of non-payment to the IPPs was passed on to the PSO that in turn passed it on to oil refineries. In case of WAPDA, the non-payment of dues by PEPCO would hit the vital water reservoirs of the country. It was learnt that WAPDA is somehow maintaining the dams and power generators up till now but experts warned that the authority would soon consume all its resources and reserves that would affect the maintenance of large dams if the withheld payments are not released. They said it would also adversely impact the irrigation system of the country and many development projects for storing water and producing hydroelectric power.